How does ibid work

Hopefully this article will go some way to helping you to engage with your referencing in a better way when writing legal assignments to ensure you know your ibids from your cfs. So what does ibid even mean? So in the context of OSCOLA referencing, it quite simply means that you are referring to the source cited in the preceding footnote. As we are using the term to reference the same authority as the preceding footnote, we cannot use it for example in footnote three to reference the same authority as footnote one, that would not make sense!

So that leads us on to lesson two: only ever use ibid to reference the immediately preceding footnote. There are other means and ways of referencing footnotes that happened 26 footnotes ago and ibid is not one of them, so only use ibid in the circumstances of referencing the footnote immediately before.

However, as soon as you break the chain a bit like causation only even more boring you cannot use ibid. You can then return to using ibid if the chain continues.

Pinpoints are not an issue with ibid. Notice how we cannot use ibid again at footnote four to reference Austin because we have a different authority at footnote three. If footnote four used ibid, it would be referencing the Human Rights Act and not Austin.

Use Ibid only to refer to a single work. If, for instance, your footnote 21 and footnote 22 both refer to the Wilson and Fox books, you can't just write "Ibid. However, if footnote 21 referred to Wilson and Fox in that order , and then footnote 22 referred to Fox and Wilson in that order , you'd start footnote 22 with "Ibid.

Method 2. Consult your style guide to create a works cited list. Use the style guide assigned to you by your professor to format a works cited list for your essay. This citation list is typically its own page at the end of the essay. Here you will list all the sources you used to find quotes or other relevant materials presented in your work. Simply focus on creating a proper citation for each work. Identify primary citations. Look over your list and notice which sources repeat often.

Use a highlighter to mark the first time a citation for a specific work appears in your list. Look to the citation immediately after your primary citation. Create secondary citations when sources repeat non-consecutively. Look for places where citations to the same source repeat, but with other citations in between them. Look over your works cited list for places where secondary citations repeat. So, for instance, your list might look like: [Smith book primary citation] Ibid.

Can I also use Ibid. Not Helpful 13 Helpful 0. You have the same citiation coming up at a different point in the text. How do you use ibid? If you're citing the a source non consecutively e. Ibidem is only used where the same source is cited consecutively e.

Not Helpful 0 Helpful 1. No, in this case i. If you are citing a different page of the same source, the citation would be written as for example 'Ibid. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 0. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Second Use of Source. Example: Tolstoy, Anna Karenina , Example: 9. Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter, More than One Page Number If the situation is the same as above; however, more than one page number is referenced, use the following example: Multiple Use of Source.

No Full Bibliography. When two or more consecutive notes come from the exact same page number in the same source, and a full bibliography is not used, and it is the first note citing that particular source: 1. If the situation is the same as above, but more than one page number is referenced, refer to the following example: Consecutive Uses of Source. When two or more consecutive notes come from the exact same page number in the same source, and a full bibliography is not used, and it is not the first note citing that particular source, use the following example: 1.

When two or more consecutive notes come from the exact same page numbers in the same source, and a full bibliography is not used, and it is not the first note citing that particular source, and more than one page number is referenced, use the following example: Different Page Numbers. When two or more consecutive notes come from the same source but occur on different page numbers, refer to the following examples: 1.

Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby , Ibid, Irma S. Not First Use of Source. Interspersed with Other Sources. When multiple notes refer to the same page in the same work, but notes referring to other works are interspersed: 1. Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter , Example: 6. Rombauer, The Joy of Cooking , Different Page Numbers of Same Source. Separated by Many Pages. When a work has already been cited once, and two consecutive notes refer to that work, but are separated by many pages in a larger text, use the following example: 1.

Cervantes, Don Quixote ,


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