Which computer was conceived/developed by charles babbage

Unfortunately for Babbage, he never finished the Difference Engine. Without any further government grants, his funding ran out.

However, they had omitted security features and it tended to break down, and, consequently, the machine failed to make an impact. DE2 used around 4, parts and weighed just over three tons. The matching printer was completed in , and had as many parts again, although a slightly smaller weight of 2.

More importantly, it worked. During his lifetime, Babbage was accused of being more interested in the theory and cutting edge of innovation than actually producing the tables the government was paying him to create.

This was a massive step beyond the Difference Engine: it was a general-purpose device that could compute many different problems. It was to be digital, automatic, mechanical, and controlled by variable programs. In short, it would solve any calculation you wished. It would be the first computer. The Analytical Engine had four parts:.

The punch cards were modeled on those developed for the Jacquard loom and would allow the machine a greater flexibility than anything ever invented to do calculations. Babbage had grand ambitions for the device, and the store was supposed to hold 1, digit numbers.

It would have a built-in ability to weigh up data and process instructions out of order if necessary. Babbage was aided by Ada Lovelace — , daughter of the British poet Lord Byron and one of the few women of the era with an education in mathematics.

Babbage greatly admired her published translation of a French article on Babbage's work, which included her voluminous notes. The Engine was beyond what Babbage could afford and maybe what technology could then produce, but the government had grown exasperated with Babbage and funding was not forthcoming. Babbage continued to work on the project until he died in , by many accounts an embittered man who felt more public funds should be directed towards the advancement of science.

The device proved the soundness of the design and supported the feasibility of a full machine. It was the first successful automatic calculator and one of the finest examples of precision engineering of the time. It remains amongst the most celebrated icons in the prehistory of automatic computation.

In , with the Difference Engine project stalled, Babbage conceived of a new more ambitious machine, later called the Analytical Engine - a general-purpose programmable computing machine. The Analytical Engine was a quantum leap in logical conception and physical size, and its design ranks as one of the startling intellectual achievements of the century.

The Analytical Engine features many essential principles found in the modern digital computer and its conception marks the transition from mechanized arithmetic to fully-fledged general purpose computation. Had the Engine been built, it would have dwarfed even the vast Difference Engine and cranking it by hand would have been beyond the strongest operator. It is on the Analytical Engine that Babbage's standing as 'the first computer pioneer' largely rests. Lovelace, just seventeen, had some mathematical training which was unusual for a woman at that time.

She was entranced by the small working section of the machine and in time became an enthusiastic supporter of Babbage's work. In Lovelace published an article by the Italian engineer Luigi Menabrea that she translated from French. In it she appended extensive notes of her own that ran to three times the length of the host article.

The Notes included a description of the steps the engine would take in solving certain mathematical problems - procedures we would now call programs - the first published descriptions of the kind. Lovelace speculated that the machine might go beyond numbers and more generally manipulate symbols in accordance with rules.

She saw that numbers could represent entities other than quantity - letters of the alphabet, notes of music - and that by manipulating numbers, computing machines could extend their powers beyond the world of mathematics.

In the light of developments in the 20 th century, this notion is prophetic and one that Babbage appears not to have envisioned with any clarity.

As Babbage refined the mechanisms of the Analytical Engine he saw how he could simplify the design of the Difference Engine. Between and he designed a new engine, Difference Engine No. The new design benefited from many of the techniques developed for the more demanding Analytical Engine. That was the case until , when a young English student, Alan Turing, thought of a computer that would solve any problem that could be translated into mathematical terms and then reduced to a chain of logical operations with binary numbers, in which only two decisions could be made: true or false.

The idea was to reduce everything numbers, letters, pictures, sounds to strings of ones and zeros and use a recipe a program to solve the problems in very simple steps.

The digital computer was born, but for now it was only an imaginary machine. At the end of the Second World War —during which he helped to decipher the Enigma code of the Nazi coded messages— Turing created one of the first computers similar to modern ones , the Automatic Computing Engine, which in addition to being digital was programmable; in other words, it could be used for many things by simply changing the program. Although Turing established what a computer should look like in theory, he was not the first to put it into practice.

That honour goes to an engineer who was slow to gain recognition, in part because his work was financed by the Nazi regime in the midst of a global war. On 12 May , Konrad Zuse completed the Z3 in Berlin, which was the first fully functional programmable and automatic digital computer. Just as the Silicon Valley pioneers would later do, Zuse successfully built the Z3 in his home workshop, managing to do so without electronic components, but using telephone relays.

On the other side of the war, the Allied powers did attach importance to building electronic computers, using thousands of vacuum tubes. The first computer that was Turing-complete, and that had those four basic features of our current computers was the ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer , secretly developed by the US army and first put to work at the University of Pennsylvania on 10 December in order to study the feasibility of the hydrogen bomb.

Presper Eckert, occupied m2, weighed 30 tons, consumed kilowatts of electricity and contained some 20, vacuum tubes. ENIAC was soon surpassed by other computers that stored their programs in electronic memories.

The vacuum tubes were replaced first by transistors and eventually by microchips, with which the computer miniaturization race commenced. But that giant machine, built by the great winner of the Second World War, launched our digital age. Nowadays, it would be unanimously considered the first true computer in history if it were not for Konrad Zuse , who decided in to reconstruct his Z3, which had been destroyed by a bombing in The replica was exhibited at the Deutsches Museum in Munich, where it is found today.

Focused on making it work, Zuse was never aware that he had in his hands the first universal computing machine. It depends. For 10 years, scores of human computers made the necessary conversions and completed the tables. In , Babbage visited the City of Light and viewed the unpublished manuscript with page after page of tables.

If only, he wondered, there was a way to produce such tables faster, with less manpower and fewer mistakes. He thought of the many marvels generated by the Industrial Revolution. If creative and hardworking inventors could develop the cotton gin and the steam locomotive, then why not a machine to make calculations [source: Campbell-Kelly ]? Babbage returned to England and decided to build just such a machine. His first vision was something he dubbed the Difference Engine , which worked on the principle of finite differences, or making complex mathematical calculations by repeated addition without using multiplication or division.

He secured government funding in and spent eight years perfecting his idea. In , he produced a functioning prototype of his table-making machine, only to find his funding had run out. Some people might have been discouraged, but not Babbage. Instead of simplifying his design to make the Difference Engine easier to build, he turned his attention to an even grander idea -- the Analytical Engine , a new kind of mechanical computer that could make even more complex calculations, including multiplication and division.

The basic parts of the Analytical Engine resemble the components of any computer sold on the market today. It featured two hallmarks of any modern machine: a central processing unit , or CPU , and memory. Babbage, of course, didn't use those terms. He called the CPU the "mill. Babbage called this output device a printer, the precursor of inkjet and laser printers so common today.

Babbage's new invention existed almost entirely on paper. He kept voluminous notes and sketches about his computers -- nearly 5, pages' worth -- and although he never built a single production model of the Analytical Engine, he had a clear vision about how the machine would look and work.

Borrowing the same technology used by the Jacquard loom , a weaving machine developed in that made it possible to create a variety of cloth patterns automatically, data would be entered on punched cards.


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