Another explanation links his hatred of Jews to trauma caused by a poison gas attack in the First World War. Yet other theories suggest that Hitler had contracted a venereal disease from a Jewish prostitute. There are, however, no facts to support these explanations. What we do know is that two Austrian politicians greatly influenced Hitler's thinking.
He believed that the German-speaking regions of Austria-Hungary should be added to the German empire. He also felt that Jews could never be fully-fledged German citizens. From the second, the Viennese mayor Karl Lueger , Hitler learned how antisemitism and social reforms could be successful. It gave his life, which had been rather unsuccessful up until then, a new purpose.
Although he saw little action, he did receive an award for courage shown. When Germany surrendered in November , Hitler was in a military hospital. His eyes had been hurt in a poison gas attack in Belgium. Confined to his sickbed, he heard the news of the German surrender, which plunged him into a deep crisis. The German defeat was hard to swallow for many Germans, and for Hitler, too. According to this myth, Germany did not lose the war on the battlefield, but through betrayal at the home front.
The Jews, Social Democrats, and Communists were held responsible. The prejudices about the role of the Jews in the war were false. An investigation carried out by the German Government proved as much. Over one hundred thousand German and Austrian Jews had fought for their fatherland.
After the First World War, Germany was in chaos. Once the German emperor had gone, rebellions erupted everywhere. Left-wing groups tried to seize power in many places. In Munich, for instance, a 'People's Republic' of Bavaria was proclaimed during a brief revolution.
It provoked a right-wing reaction, which in turn resulted in bloodshed. Hitler was very much impressed by these events. At that point, he was still in the army, and that was where he discovered his oratory talents. Before long, the army had him give training courses, intended to warn soldiers of the communist danger and to stir up feelings of nationalism. It was the start of his political career. Against the backdrop of revolution and violence, Hitler's antisemitism was becoming increasingly radical.
It is noteworthy that he said he did not support uncontrolled 'emotional' pogroms outbursts of anti-Jewish violence. Follow Author. If you lose, you should not be there to explain! If you do so, you are insulting yourself. Only the mighty can bear defeat. The Jew knew this and acted accordingly.
But the German, or rather his Government, did not have the slightest suspicion of it. During the War the heaviest of penalties had to be paid for that ignorance. This is how he explained his status of remaining unmarried: his principle was that every married partner should lead a decent family life. This was, however, not something he himself could ever offer, considering the colossal amount of work he had to cope with. He would only come home late at nights, and a wife and family would have nothing to gain from him.
At most — if he were married with children in real life — they could perhaps have a chat about him. That was his reason to remain unmarried. While there are some details that correspond to true facts, even those are embellished by wild fantasy. I knew Eva Braun well. In fact, I knew her from the first day I went into service for Hitler.
At the beginning of the war, Eva Braun came to stay in Berlin only twice or three times, and then for no longer than one or two days on each occasion. In the years —7 she and Hitler were never in Berlin together at the same time.
Their relationship became closer only after the war had started. Her parents never came to Berlin, her sisters visited perhaps once or twice.
She lived at the Berghof for quite some time and was good friends with Martin Bormann, the actual master of the house, who then hired her as the housekeeper so that she was officially registered at the office for employment. Eva Braun never came to the headquarters, nor was she called upon for official receptions. She herself always addressed Hitler by the familiar Du. After the conversion of the Berghof had been completed, the two bedrooms were linked to each other by a connecting door.
Hitler himself never carried a wallet, but placed his money — up to some Reichsmark — loose in his pocket. Once, when the entire Hotel Imperial in Vienna was booked out by Party members, the manager of the hotel submitted a bill of 29, Reichsmark.
The subsequent release of his book Mein Kampf to countries outside Germany then enabled him to purchase the house. I also believe that everything that happened under the rule of the National Socialists has burdened our people enough not to have to be saddled with untrue stories.