Should i remind her about the date

Something along the lines of 'See you at xxx tomorrow. Wear something sexy ' But I do agree that radio silence is a great way to gauge interest, ultimately though to me I prefer to get things handled so I can focus on other stuff. Joined Dec 25, Messages Reaction score I usually set a date about 3 days in advance or so, and I'll shoot her a quick text an hour or two before the date to check up. I won't text her between the time when I set up the date and check up either. My last one went like this, and is pretty much par for the course: Me: Hey, you still good for tonight at xx bar?

Her: Yep, I've been busy moving all day and worked up an appetite! Me: Cool, I get off around 5, I'll be there shortly after. See you then. Her: OK! Thanks for the advice everyone. Alvafe Okay, that was it with her. Also, I will now keep in my mind that I should not share with anyone. Desdinova Moderator. Joined Nov 15, Messages 11, Reaction score 4, There's an easy way to calculate interest level Obsidian Master Don Juan.

As long as you don't set all the details in stone ahead of time, you will have an easy excuse for sending a reminder text. For example, if your plan was simply that you two will meet up on Saturday evening, then you can call or text early on Saturday with a specific time.

Or if your plan was to meet at 7 on Saturday, then you can call or text with a specific location to meet up. I'm not the most organized guy anyway so this kind of loose planning comes naturally to me. Joined Jan 8, Messages Reaction score Put away your credit card. If a woman doesn't show up to a date or flakes on you, you have failed. Either: 1. She wanted validation and an ego boost. You didn't attract her enough for her to show up.

A better man entered the picture. Whatever the case, delete her number and move on if she doesn't show to a date. Joined Sep 2, Messages 3, Reaction score 1, I agree you should not send a reminder. Share Facebook. Add Opinion. ManInTheMirror Xper 2. You don't ask her if she's still interested. That's a no no. Now me, I'm the kind of guy who shoots for a mid-afternoon coffee date.

Like pm or so. I don't go too early because I tend to have things to do in the mornings til after lunch, and I don't do too late because I don't want it to seem like it's a "this is the highlight of my day" sort of thing.

This was a very rare exception though, unless things are going incredible I wouldn't recommend doing that. Too much too fast for one day. Anyway, if she says she's not free, I would say go with this approach: "Ah alright, well are you free this weekend? It says that you have a life and you're not just going to drop things for some girl you just met. You go with the whole weekend as oppose to a certain day this time around because it's unlikely she's made plans for her ENTIRE weekend already.

If she says she's busy all weekend for whatever reason simply say "Ah that's too bad, well shoot me a text when your schedule frees up a bit" and leave it at that. If she said she was good for Monday then isn't, when she says her ENTIRE weekend is booked up though it's only Monday, that's when it's time to put the ball in her court and show her that your effort is only going to go so far. A little confirmation can do a lot of good. The solution is learning how to confirm a date via text.

This is especially important if you're texting before your first date. Humans lead complicated lives and have complex emotions. There are so many reasons why she may not be able to make it, and some of them have nothing to do with you.

Sure, she should give you the courtesy of a message and sometimes she will at the last minute, but why wait? Remember, both of you are taking a bit of a risk by agreeing to a date a while after you've texted her for the first time. Making her feel comfortable about you only does you a favor in the long run. Try to think of your first date as just two people meeting up. But the more you think about it, the harder it can seem. Keeping that mindset will help you avoid coming across as needy when confirming your date.

Confidence is important and this approach conveys anything but. So knowing what to talk about when you're texting really helps. I already covered this when talking about how to reply to a canceled date text. A third time is where I draw the line though. Crazy, right? We lead complicated lives and there are so many things that can get in the way. If you have the date set up for when she gets back, a lot can happen in that time. But two weeks of radio silence is a risky game.


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