Steve Souders did the original work while at Yahoo, he is now working at Google. His first book "High performance websites" is the best starting point for learning more about making fast websites. The same material that's in his book can be found in this video talk , and these design rules.
However, I find that the book is quick to read, and much easier to understand. You can run the sites through WebPageTest. I believe that serverfault. For instance you may write an app using one of the many python frameworks, and have nginx be the front-end to many instances of that perhaps spread over several machines.
In this case nginx servers two purposes: it handles requests for static content like images and stylesheets directly and due to its design it does this very quickly , and it passes dynamic requests to the application spreading the load between all the instances it knows about. This is a very popular configuration in the Ruby on Rails community too. There are two other posible reasons why Rambler may appear faster to you than the local Yahoo service.
Firstly the local Yahoo PoP might just not have enough resource available to serve the number of requests it gets any quicker so maybe simply adding more hardware assuming the software scales well this way would speed it up but, presumably, the difference is not worth the cost of maintaining the extra kit or Yahoo would have done this.
The other big difference may be in the back-end rather then the web server - the two services will no doubt have very different database arrangements and even if not they are not likely to be running exactly the same variety of queries and the amount of hardware dedicated to the database archicecture will have a significant effect too. The best sites use application accelerators such as Zeus's ZXTMs - they can cache dynamic responses in many cases which is obviously of great benefit.
I have a hard time seeing serverfault much faster SO might have load problems due to traffic perhaps? It's way quicker and more responsive than most local news sites and so on.
Most of the obvious problems with load times and latency comes from between the server and the end user imo and not the actual server performance unless someone sized or designed something wrong.
Obviously caching of various kinds on the server makes a big difference but all these sites already do that as far as I know. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Why is Nginx so fast?
Worker connections define the maximum number of connections that each worker process can handle simultaneously. By default, this value is set to It is recommended to set this value equivalent to the number of open file descriptors. You can find the number of open file descriptors using the following command:.
Buffers play a very important role to increase the Nginx web server performance. By default, the buffer size is equal to one memory page. Timeout directives are used for the time a server will wait for a client body or client header to be sent after a request. This frees up your server from handling connections for extended periods of time.
In the above guide, you learned different Nginx configuration tips and tricks to speed up the Nginx website. You can now use these settings in the test server, monitor the server speed and tweak the setting with a different value. If this tutorial helped you speed up your Nginx website or server, feel free to leave a comment telling us how it helped, or if you have any questions, leave those down in our comment section as well.
Although Varnish is the dedicated industry solution, some recent tests give Nginx caching clear edge over Varnish. At Kinsta, we use Nginx for dynamic WordPress caching , along with a proprietary caching plugin that allows granular control over pages cached, and static assets cached by Kinsta CDN.
Are you tired of slow WordPress hosting? We use full page caching at the server-level to deliver content to your visitors almost instantly. Check out our hosting plans. The biggest difference between Apache and Nginx is in the underlying architecture of the way they handle requests. Under this mode, Apache spawns new process with one thread on every request. This was inefficient. Prefork module comes with Apache as the default module. In later years, Apache has developed multi-threaded worker mpm and after that, the event mpm.
Switching to php-fpm makes it possible for Apache to still be a competing solution today, along with eliminating the use of.
Threads are a subset of processes and there can be multiple threads within one process execution. Think of this as multiple tabs in a browser window. You can read Linus Torvalds elaborating the differences.
In short, Apache uses processes for every connection and with worker mpm it uses threads. As traffic rises, it quickly becomes too expensive. We can picture new process or thread creation like booting up of a computer or starting up programs. Even on the fastest of computers, it still takes some time.
With websites today making hundreds of requests on a single page load, this quickly adds up. Especially when we talk about static files, where Nginx serves as much as double the requests that Apache does.
The difference of Nginx worker processes is that each one can handle hundreds of thousands of incoming network connections per worker. There is no need to create new threads or processes for each connection. The list of companies that take advantage of Nginx is too long to list them all, so we will end with Automattic, the private company behind WordPress.
Automattic converted all their load-balancers to Nginx for WordPress. If we want to inspect what the website in production uses, we usually can find this in the HTTP response headers. If we choose any particular resource and its Headers tab, we will usually see the server information. On the left side, if we expand it, we will also be able to analyze the time of every resource and see its impact on the overall page load time.
In this article, I focused on Nginx vs Apache and explained the main architectural differences that helped Nginx gaining more traction and attention within the web server arena.
These are the key traits that give it the performance edge in our resource-hungry industry. All of that and much more, in one plan with no long-term contracts, assisted migrations, and a day-money-back-guarantee. Been thinking about installing Nginx on my laptop for testing, and later on one of my websites. And avoiding stupid coding stuff. I once worked with a dumb developer who caused over 3, error logs for each page hit. Apache or anything else with Linux 2.
Kinsta only available Nginx web server or is there option to change to another web server on your panel? Hello Robi, we only support Nginx at this time.
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