Test your drinking capabilities solo or with friends by taking the Centurion Club drinking game challenge. This game involves drinking shots of beer in minutes, throwing back 1 shot every minute. To set up the Centurion drinking game all you need is a 30ml shot glass and 3 litres of your favourite beer. This works out to be just over 9 bottles at ml , or exactly 8 cans at ml. This game can be played solo or with a group of friends.
Set up a timer reminding you to drink a shot of beer every minute. While this game may sound quite relaxed, it gets much harder as time goes on. Take it to the next level by replacing every 10th minute with a shot of hard liquor. Select from vodka, bourbon, whiskey, rum, tequila — or create your own long-island version with a different shot every 10 minutes. Join the Beer Is OK team as a local beer reviewer. Share your brewery, venue, bottle shop and beer reviews online.
The real test is the double centurion. Never completed it though. Chundered at 80, continued up to about odd and chundered again, don't remember much after that. Is fun if they are a few of you doing it having a laugh. Do you weigh five and a half stone?! It's a good laugh. These days I'd rather just get lashed without some kiddy blowing a whistle every 60 seconds though. Haha close, only 8 stone. But the quickest I could ever do a pint was 13 sec Surprisingly enough this is one of the things I didn't do in four years of University.
I'm not sure why. Did a power hour same thing but an hour long as a start to New Years Eve once with some ridiculous cocktail.
That was lethal. My Physoc regularly had a circle of upto 40 people!! I'm dissapointed in you Alexikokopops!! I used to circle every week with hockey! We never did Centurion though! That's not a circle game! Unless you have an incredibly lazy chair. They made the Airport Bar well posh in my last year. It used to bne bloody brilliant for football, with grubby but quick fast food from Bar Food but then they went and changed Bar Food to a Chinese Noodle thing, got rid of all the football and tried to market it as a bit more classy.
Start new topic. Prev 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2. Recommended Posts. Granno Posted 22 January Posted 22 January They said I couldn't but I did, although i was absolutley fooked. So has anyone ever tried this, or similar drinking games before? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options Bilo Posted 22 January Lovejoy Posted 23 January Posted 23 January Done it many times, most memorably at a mates' house.
Only remember the first 35 shots, then glimpses of memories. Was apparently sick many times, managed to get a taxi home, passed out just inside the front door, mate thought I had collapsed when he came in from work later on and called haha, oops, Oh well, good times, recommended.