Jesus does not give us the option of calling Him our Savior and Lord while continuing to satisfy our own desires and wishes.
We must deny ourself to the point of death in our following Him. This is the character of a true follower of Christ. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul? Jeremiah What does it mean to take up your cross, and follow Me? Then Jesus tells us what must happen if a man or woman wants to follow Him.
Let Him Deny Himself. Take Up His Cross. We have so many more opportunities to dwell in His Word! When we take up our cross, we keep our eyes on Jesus. We lay aside the love of our possessions, our pride and accomplishments. We lay down anything that impedes working for His kingdom. His goal for us as followers is to tell others about Him, whatever the cost. This will look different for each of us. It might mean we feel awkward, friends back away, or we feel uncomfortable trying to defend our faith.
But keep in mind the furious rejection Jesus experienced in His life. Did it cause Him to stop speaking truth? And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. Jesus went willingly to the cross and took with him our sin and shame.
He forged a way for forgiveness to take its place. Taking up His cross daily is expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come when we conform to His lifestyle. Pour out His message of love to those around you. You will be amazed at what He will do with your obedience and submission to His will. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere- in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
What price are you willing to pay to take up your cross and follow Jesus? Are there times when you lay down your cross and pick it up again later?
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As a teenager, I once heard my pastor say that Jesus has many admirers, but not enough followers. That statement stuck in my mind. There are many who attend church weekly, but their professions of Christianity may be lived out superficially, or at any rate at their convenience. Following Jesus means to walk in His footsteps. It means to take upon yourself His purpose and mission in the world.