She encourages us to try new Pokemon and new strategies, such as inflicting status effects. Future gens could use another Whitney. I personally dislike the way Johto and Kanto are laid out so that you can take on several gyms in any order you like.
Choice in games is nice, but not when it comes at the expense of experience. Think about the very first gym leader, Falkner, the Flying-type specialist. He has a Pidgey and a Pidgeotto. Not only does he exclusively use Gen 1 Pokemon, he uses two from the same evolutionary line. Game Freak could have gone more left-field and went with Delibird, Mantine, or Murkrow - anything except for two birds that can be found on the first route of Kanto.
Scyther is pretty badass, and I refuse to listen to anyone who says otherwise, but imagine how cool it would have been if instead of a Metapod and a Kakuna, the sword-armed Bug-type was backed up by Ariados and Heracross? Poison Sting. Shed Skin. Hive Badge:. U-Turn - The user switches out after use, even if it is currently trapped by another Pokemon. Cute Charm. Lum Berry. Milk Drink. Plain Badge:.
Mean Look. Dream Eater. Shadow Ball. Sucker Punch. Night Shade. Fog Badge:. Allows use of HM03 - Surf outside of battle; all Pokemon up to level 50 obey. Vital Spirit. Double Team. Focus Punch. Rock Slide. Water Absorb. Body Slam. Storm Badge:. Focus Punch - At the beginning of the round, the user tightens its focus; the attack itself usually goes last and will fail if the user is attacked by any other Pokemon during the turn.
She also is in the Sinjoh Ruins for the Arceus. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions. Question Status Where can I find sinnoh pokemon? Answered Can't find gym leaders for rematch? Answered Where can I find certain gym leaders to add to the phone list? Answered Sinnoh's finest? Answered How do i battle the sinnoh red? Ask A Question. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? Where can I find sinnoh pokemon?