Explanation : Rewrite the function in its factored form. If possible, find the type of discontinuity, if any:. Explanation : By looking at the denominator of , there will be a discontinuity.
Since the common factor is existent, reduce the function. Find the point of discontinuity for the following function:. There is no point of discontinuity for the function. Explanation : Start by factoring the numerator and denominator of the function. There is no point fo discontinuity for this function. Find a point of discontinuity for the following function:. There are no discontinuities for this function. There are no points of discontinuity for this function.
Find a point of discontinuity in the following function:. There is no point of discontinuity for this function. Copyright Notice. View Pre-Calculus Tutors. Josh Certified Tutor. Francisco Certified Tutor. University of Texas at Brownsville, Bachelors, Mathematics. Journey through a learning brain. Ratio of line segments by phinah [Solved! Coordinates of intersection of a tangent from a given point to the circle by Yousuf [Solved!
Not getting how to calculate function equation from graph by HarshalDalal [Solved! Domain and range by shaikshavali [Solved! How to obtain 0. Aureli [Solved!
What is the function for the number 8? Name optional. Introduction to Functions 2. Functions from Verbal Statements 3. Rectangular Coordinates 4. The Graph of a Function 4a. Donate Login Sign up Search for courses, skills, and videos. Math Calculus, all content edition Limits and continuity Continuity at a point. Continuity introduction.
Worked example: Continuity at a point graphical. Practice: Continuity at a point graphical. Discontinuity points challenge example. Next lesson. Current timeTotal duration Google Classroom Facebook Twitter. Video transcript The graph of a function f is shown below. If both the limit of f of x as x approaches k and f of k exist, and f is not continuous at k, then what is the value of k?
So we have to find a k where f is not continuous at k, but f of k is defined. And the limit as x approaches k of f of x is also defined. So the easiest ones to spot out just with our eyes might just to be to see where f is not continuous, where f is not continuous.
So you see here when x is equal to negative 2, the function is not continuous. It jumps from up here. The property which describes this characteristic is called continuity.
If a function has a hole, the three conditions effectively insist that the hole be filled in with a point to be a continuous function. Rather than define whether a function is continuous or not, it is more useful to determine where a function is continuous.
To prove a function is not continuous, it is sufficient to show that one of the three conditions stated above is not met. When a function is not continuous at a point, then we can say it is discontinuous at that point.