When is the most crucial time to get pregnant

Conceiving a baby. Actions for this page Listen Print. Summary Read the full fact sheet. On this page. Planning for a baby Timing and conception Age, fertility and conception Weight, fertility and conception Diet, exercise and conception Tobacco, alcohol and other drug use and conception Having trouble conceiving? Where to get help. Planning for a baby If you are planning to become pregnant, it is a good idea to see your GP for a pre-conception health check-up. A pre-conception health check-up usually includes: a medical history and a general examination blood tests to check your haemoglobin level, blood group, immunity for German measles rubella and chickenpox varicella , hepatitis B and human immunodeficiency virus HIV tests for any sexually transmissible infection STI advice about lifestyle modification that will improve the chance of pregnancy and the health of the baby lifestyle factors you may need to modify include your weight, alcohol consumption, recreational drug use, and whether you smoke advising you to take folate and iodine supplements before conception and during pregnancy for the health of your baby referral to a specialist if either parent has a pre-existing medical condition that might affect the chances of pregnancy, or pregnancy health a review of any prescription medicines either parent may be taking referral for genetic counselling where appropriate information about health services and choices of pregnancy care.

Timing and conception To conceive you need to have sex in the five days before you ovulate, or on the day you ovulate. Age, fertility and conception The most important factor for the chance of getting pregnant and having a healthy baby is your age. Weight, fertility and conception Being overweight or underweight can cause hormonal changes that interfere with ovulation and reduce your fertility. Diet, exercise and conception There is no special diet that improves the odds of conception, but a healthy range of foods that includes lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and lean meats is recommended.

Tobacco, alcohol and other drug use and conception If you use tobacco, alcohol or other drugs your chances of becoming pregnant are reduced. Smoking and pregnancy Smoking in pregnancy or exposure to second-hand smoke reduces fertility and increases the risk of pregnancy complications. Alcohol and pregnancy Alcohol can reduce both male and female fertility; even drinking lightly can reduce the likelihood of conception.

If you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, not drinking alcohol is the safest option. Drug use and pregnancy Prescription medication and recreational drug use can potentially affect the health of the foetus. Having trouble conceiving? Fertility difficulties can be due to: female fertility problems about 40 per cent male fertility problems about 40 per cent both male and female fertility problems about 10 per cent unknown cause about 10 per cent. Female fertility problems include: problems with ovulation, including polycystic ovary syndrome PCOS blocked fallopian tubes endometriosis age over Male fertility problems include: poor sperm quality blockage of the spermatic cord, which is the tube that transports the sperm from the testis to the penis.

Common causes are vasectomy, infection and some sexually transmitted infections ejaculation disorders age over Call or Request an Appointment. What Is Ovulation? You might notice symptoms like: an increased sex drive, breast tenderness, bloating, cramps, and light spotting. Pay attention to these signs as they can help you figure out the best time to get pregnant. Using an Ovulation Test If you get your period on the same day every month give or take a few days , you can use an over-the-counter ovulation kit, which works by detecting the hormone LH in your urine.

Finding the Best Time to Get Pregnant If you want to get pregnant and you have regular periods, the best time to have sex is the day before you ovulate.

What to Expect at Your Appointment During your first visit with a fertility specialist , your doctor will ask a lot of questions about your history, to try to understand factors that may be making it harder to become pregnant. Resources for Fertility Patients. When to See a Fertility Specialist. Getting Started with Infertility Treatments. See Insurance Info and Pricing.

You're looking for discharge that feels like egg whites, which indicates your body's in ovulation mode. Once you start monitoring your CM all month, you'll see a pattern: You'll likely be dry for several days to a week after your period. Next, your CM may get sticky for a day or two. Then, on around day eight, it will amp up and turn creamy; it could be white or pale yellow.

The next stage is the biggie: ovulation mucus. Your discharge will not only be plentiful but slippery and stretchy so much so that if you pull it between two fingers, it will stretch up to a few inches! This egg-white stage is a clue that you're ovulating — and you and your partner may want to skip dinner and a movie and get busy being intimate.

Incidentally, that CM texture is nature's way of ensuring sperm make their way to the egg. Finally, after ovulation day, you may become drier down there. You can check your own cervix for signs of fertility no stirrups or speculum necessary. The cervix changes over the course of a monthly cycle, going from firm, closed and low in the vagina to higher up, soft and open thanks to estrogen around ovulation.

These changes make it more welcoming to swimming sperm. And you can actually feel the difference — if you're willing to get hands-on. Here's how you feel yourself up. Sitting on the toilet or squatting, insert a clean finger with a short fingernail into your vagina. Record what you feel over the month. You can keep track on paper or — easier yet! Throughout the month, also pay attention to your vaginal lips.

You may notice they're more swollen or full when you're ovulating. Another clue that you're at your most fertile point is mid-cycle abdominal pain.

Called mittelschmerz it means "middle pain" in German , this cramping may be mild or painful; it often happens on one side, by the ovary that's releasing an egg. But it also can be an allover ache. Don't worry if you never feel a thing, though — only about one in five women have mittelschmerz. Changes in your body temperature can be another heads-up that you're ready to roll. As your hormones fluctuate over the month, your basal body temperature BBT — the reading you get right when you wake up after at least three to five hours of sleep — changes too.

In the first part of your cycle up until the day you ovulate, estrogen is high and your morning baseline temperature is lower. Create a personalised ads profile. Select personalised ads. Apply market research to generate audience insights. Measure content performance. Develop and improve products. List of Partners vendors. If you want to get pregnant faster , you might be interested in knowing when you should have sex, how frequently to have sex, and whether there are factors that can increase or decrease your chances of becoming pregnant each month.

It's important to know that you can get pregnant at any time during your menstrual cycle, even if you are having your period. While unprotected sex doesn't lead to pregnancy every time, you can become pregnant if you have sex just one time. In general, fertility declines with age, and teenagers are far more likely to become pregnant with only one or a few sexual encounters than older women are. If you have sex often enough, and if you are not urgently trying to get pregnant, working on strategizing the timing of sex may not be necessary.

But knowing the best time to have sex can help you if you want to get pregnant soon. You have one week every month when sex is most likely to lead to pregnancy. This is considered your fertile window , and it begins two to three days before you ovulate. The best chance of becoming pregnant is in those days right before ovulation. Ovulation usually occurs around days 12 to 14 of a day cycle, but it varies from woman to woman based on the length of their cycle and can even vary from cycle to cycle.

It's possible to have your fertile window as early as day 8 and 9 if you have a shorter cycle, or as late as days 19 and 20 with a longer cycle, for example. The egg that ovulates is only able to be fertilized for 12 to 24 hours after it's released from the ovary, but with the help of your cervical mucus, sperm can live up to five days in the female reproductive tract. Since it can be nearly impossible to pinpoint the exact moment of ovulation, having sex before you ovulate as opposed to after can help increase your chances of conception by having sperm ready and waiting for the egg.

You may have heard that day 14 of your cycle is when you ovulate. As a result, many women have sex on day 11, 12, and 13, thinking this will give them the best chance at conception. But many women don't ovulate on day Normal ovulation can occur as early as day 10 and as late as day If you have irregular cycles , ovulation can occur even later. Research says that the best day for sexual intercourse is the day you notice the most fertile cervical mucus. This kind of discharge is healthy and normal, and it typically appears on the days before ovulation.

Once you know what to look for, it's easy to detect. If you have discharge that has a pungent smell or causes itchiness, you may have an infection.

You should see your doctor. Cervical mucus improves sperm motility movement and helps them survive. Feeling relaxed and free of stress can increase your chances of becoming pregnant, but, as with most other "rules," this is not necessarily the case.

Have you ever noticed that your libido is stronger at certain times of the month? This is no coincidence. The same hormones that increase just before ovulation also boost your desire for sex. Sexual pleasure can increase the chances of becoming pregnant, but not so much that you need to be concerned that every time you have sex it's the hottest sex ever.

The theory that female orgasm might help boost the odds of conception may be wishful thinking. This theory ignores the physiological fact that female arousal creates vaginal tenting, which actually lifts the cervix-uterine area away from the ejaculated semen.

You can have terrible sex and still conceive.


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