What makes i stand here ironing realistic

At the same time, this strategy forces us to consider that the narrator may be unreliable. An unreliable narrator may lie or alter or withhold information to make him- or herself look good or serve a personal agenda of some kind. In this story, the narrator may be holding some memories back or shaping the memories she reports to lessen her feelings of guilt. The narrator makes some startling confessions, such as revealing that she and her second husband often left Emily home alone for hours, which suggests that the narrator is being honest and open about her parenting.

But the narrator also quietly asserts that she alone is not at fault. We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Get help with writing. Pssst… we can write an original essay just for you. Your time is important. Get essay help. Find Free Essays We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling.

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Eventually, she sent her child to the relatives as she no longer took the responsibilities. She sacrifices her motherly feelings and opted to do the labor to provide support to her family.

However, after some time, she is overwhelmed by guilt for abandoning her in the age when she needed her the most. Throughout the story, readers may feel how guilt is following the narrator.

Whenever she recollects The childhood of Emily she is engulfed by guilt for not being able to present for her daughter. She blames herself for the miserable state of Emily. The narrator in the story is the mother of five children, who belong to the working class.

Her husband left her due to the grim poverty. Consequently, she did several works to make ends meet. Readers may find the whole story narrated through her, sometimes by recalling her past. Given that, she stood ironing the clothes throughout the whole story. By this readers may come to know about the unbalanced relationship between them. After getting deserted by her first husband, she remarried to another person named Bill.

Moreover, the narrator reveals her guilt and sadness for her inadequate care towards Emily. Emily is the oldest daughter of the narrator in the story. When the story opens up her age is nineteen. Though the narrator describes both her childhood and teenage. Moreover, Emily had a neglected childhood, suffering from poverty, and ailment.

Father left her and mother was engaged in works due to which Emily got bereft of many things. Similarly, she seems to be resentful from her stepsister Susan. There are always conflicts between them. Additionally, at the end of the story, one can see that she finds her resilience in being a comedian. Also, she gives a hand to her mother in taking care of her younger siblings. She is the younger sister of Emily and the second child of the narrator. Comparatively, she is more confident, clever, and beautiful than Emily.

Also, Emily resents her. The narrator describes Susan had an easy childhood. He is the youngest child of the narrator and youngest brother of Emily and Susan. He represents the stable and thriving position of the family. The lingering effects of war are depicted in the story. Moreover, the narrator talks about the time of great depression. Similar to this, the story also highlights the repercussions of the Second World War. Speaking of which economic crisis is explicit in the story.

The narrator gets abandoned by her husband and after that, she is supposed to take all the responsibilities on her shoulders. Given that, she also has to feed her infant on time.

Through this Olsen exhibits the perturbed condition of American society. Most importantly, highlighting the impacts of war and great depression on the generation of those times i-e, Emily. On the other hand, one can see the budding movement of feminism. Particularly, when the narrator got exposure to working outside by doing labors in order to live up.

This also throws light on the sufferings of women as well. The narrator tries to put herself to the expectations of society accordingly. She manages her domestic duties and also does work. Moreover, the narrator has mentioned work progress administration WPA to tell how they provide labor works to the suffering families in lieu of giving them welfare.

After the war in the time of depression, many of the single mothers raised their children without any financial aid and social services. Furthermore, readers may find both characters using different personas. Emily develops the persona of a good student and good daughter before society however; inside she was a broken person.


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