What is the difference between mosaic law and the code of hammurabi

And to be fair, there are more similarities than these. But of far more striking significance are the differences. Consider some of them with me:. These are but a few of the differences that pose real problems for those who try to argue that Moses borrowed from Hammurabi. The two codes i. Flashing back again to last week, in the person of Gilgamesh we are offered an example of what sort of a savior we could expect if we were left to ourselves: a fearful, corrupt, powerful, but ultimately impotent mortal who is a lot like us.

Gilgamesh contrasts with Christ. The Code is the law as written by man. The Code of Hammurabi contrasts with the Code of Moses, which comes from the true God, is inspired and reflects His just and unchanging nature.

Both the Hammurabi Code and the Mosaic Law were received by their peoples in similar ways. The Hammurabi Code was written by the Babylonian king, Hammurabi. He received these codes through divine intervention. He was given these codes by the sun god, Shamas atop a mountain. Mosaic Law was written by the God of the Hebrews. They received this law when Moses, the leader of the Jewish nation, was led up Mt. Sinai by Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews. The two laws have some basic similarities such as, an eye for an eye, the punishment of death for adultery, fundamental respect for women, and reality that stealing is wrong.

The initial ideas and groundwork for laws are the same, but the outcomes and consequences are immensely different, on what will happen, how will …show more content… In today 's general public, individuals who carry out a wrongdoing, and are indicted the wrongdoing, are periodically discharged of harsher disciplines because of numerous components, for example, the wrongdoing case not having enough confirmation, or the suspect has a decent legal counselor.

In Also, Hammurabi 's Code puts a huge accentuation on family; something that is not almost as vital in the greater part of today 's general public as it was appear it was in the Sumerian. Get Access. Satisfactory Essays. Christianity, Judaism, And Islam. Read More. Better Essays. Judaism vs. Islam Words 3 Pages 3 Works Cited. Powerful Essays. You Promised Us. Religious Beliefs. Reconstructionsit Judaism Words 5 Pages.

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