Methods Citations. Figures and Tables from this paper. Citation Type. Has PDF. Publication Type. More Filters. In a recently developed simple particle mechanics model, in which a single particle represents the working fluid, gas in a heat engine, exemplified by a piston engine a new approach was outlined … Expand.
View 3 excerpts, cites methods and background. The Boltzmann reservoir: A model constant-temperature environment. The Boltzmann reservoir BR is a model constant-temperature environment that exhibits highly atypical thermodynamic behavior. Its microcanonical ensemble entropy is a linear, nonconcave function of … Expand.
Energy and entropy are centerpieces of physics. Energy is typically introduced in the study of classical mechanics.
Although energy in this context can be challenging, its use in thermodynamics and … Expand. Entropy, Its Language, and Interpretation. Its value facilitates comparisons amongmaterials and estimates of the number of accessible states. Using dimensionless entropy andtempergy, Boltzmanns constantk is unnecessary.
Tempergy,kT, does not generally represent astored system energy. Entropy has many faces. It has been interpreted as a mea-sure of disorder,1 the unavailability of work,2 the degree ofenergy spreading,3 and the number of accessible microstates4.
While each of these inter-pretations has a logical basis, it is unclear whyany of themshould have the dimensions of energy per unit temperature. Indeed the common entropy unit, J K21, is as mysterious asentropy itself. Why does entropy have the dimensions of energyper unit temperature? How would thermal phys-ics differ if entropy were defined to be dimensionless andtemperature were defined as an energy? What range ofvalues does dimensionless entropy per particle have? Iftemperature is defined as an energy, calledtempergy, does ithave a meaningful physical interpretation?
What follows is in part areview and synthesis of ideas that are scattered throughouttextbooks, with the goal of filling this gap. In Sec. II, we review common definitions of entropy inthermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and informationtheory. One does not have to know anything further about gravity to make good use of this statement, and people have used this fact for thousands of years without any further elaboration on the microscopic theories of gravity.
Now ask yourself a similar question:. What makes heat without something else interfering always flow from the warmer to the colder temperature bath? Logically it's the same statement.
In one case we call it "gravity", in the other we call it "entropy". There is absolutely nothing "mystical" about entropy, once you know what it does and why one needs it because there is not one observation of heat flowing from cold to hot without some other process facilitating it. To use the same units for temperature as for energy is completely nonsensical, since the definition of energy is "the ability to perform work".
Temperature, by itself, can not perform work, no matter how you look at it. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.
Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Dimensionless entropy interpretation Ask Question. Asked 7 years, 3 months ago. Active 6 years, 2 months ago. Viewed 1k times. You can read more about this in these posts: Why isn't temperature measured in Joules? Improve this question. Community Bot 1. Should I rate her a three, a four, or a five? To begin, recognize that you've got a bad form. Good performance appraisal forms don't require appraisers to reduce people's performances to a number.
But however the form is structured, you're stuck with it. Do your best. Your best involves telling the truth. If Sally did a good job this year, and a The performance appraisal question and answer book I am not getting any better despite numerous medication trials. My doctor says I have a personality disorder that medication will not treat and recommends more intensive therapy.
What does she mean by that? As mentioned in previous questions concerning the DSM-IV-TR, the diagnosis of a personality disorder is a complicated and controversial issue. Numerical weather prediction—or numerical forecasting—is the science that believes that weather forecasting is possible if one has a thorough knowledge of the Why was tornado forecasting once banned in the United States? Concerns that warning people about possible tornado formation would panic Obtaining a unified picture of the process from the analysis of these circuits will be extremely challenging.
This example also helps An Introduction to Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Meaningful Interpretations of Abstract Algebraic Inequalities with Applications to Real Physical Systems There is an alternative way of using inequalities for reliability improvement and risk reduction. This method consists of moving in the opposite direction: it starts with an existing abstract inequality and moves towards the real system or a process. An important step in this process is creating relevant Dimensionless entropy In Eq.
Define the dimensionless entropy, The dimensionless entropy satisfies the property, where, r is tempergy, defined in Eq. Numerics Dimensionless entropy per molecule.